It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.

Time to?


Time to give myself some time. I wanna leave my office and go somewhere else to take a nap. When I’ll wake up, it should be the best time to dream about the outfit I’m going to “prepare” in order to feed my personality. I live for mixing and matching unthinkable materials and shapes. There is no such thing as “boring clothes”, there is only an unexploited imagination. Get to know yourself and then add some courage to your outfit. I love “my kind” of style because there is only me without any tendency.

Everytime it’s the best time to laugh, even when you sleep.

I should start the time for myself and for that I need to create something new from what I have right now. I don’t need something from the future, I only need the present time of being myself more and more.

“It’s not the right time”, shouldn’t exist in any kind of vocabulary.

Let’s have our time!

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